By: Mary Molchen
The 2024-2025 academic year marks the first year at Quaker Valley for some teachers, including English teacher Miss Kolenik. Kolenik moved to the district this year, previously teaching at a high school in State College, Pa. and most recently at Lincoln Park. At Quaker Valley, Kolenik teaches Honors English 9 and Academic English 10. She has one pet, a boxer mix named Autumn, whom she recently rescued from a shelter and loves to take on walks. Her favorite thing about teaching is doing plays in her English classes. “I love teaching any sort of play because I like that we get to read the whole thing in class and see what we are reading since we do the visual stuff in class,” Kolenik said. Unlike novels read aloud in the classroom, plays are acted out by students and have the added visual component of students acting and sometimes even using props. As they read, they have laughs alongside their learning. Additionally, as a new teacher, Kolenik has some goals for the future with her students. Specifically, she is grateful “to experience the books for the first time,” so that in future years she can customize and improve the learning experience for her students. Students and staff are happy to welcome Miss Kolenik to the QV community.